Michelle Rumsey

The work presented identified several aspects which, if improved, could contribute significantly to the effectiveness improved, could contribute significantly to the effectiveness of research on leadership and healthcare in the Pacific region.of research on leadership and healthcare in the Pacific region. Nursing and midwifery leaders in the Pacific are the Nursing and midwifery leaders in the Pacific are the community creating the knowledge of issues and problems community creating the knowledge of issues and problems they care about and proposed solutions. This presentation they care about and proposed solutions. This presentation reflects on developing a research methodology for working reflects on developing a research methodology for working with the Pacific midwives and nurses: how to enhance the with the Pacific midwives and nurses: how to enhance the contribution of the nursing and midwifery profession to the contribution of the nursing and midwifery profession to theUniversal Health Care (UHC) by improving leadership. TheUniversal Health Care (UHC) by improving leadership. The research was divided into two parts: first, it developed a research was divided into two parts: first, it developed a methodology to effect good research in the Pacific, and methodology to effect good research in the Pacific, and second, it described the research itself into leadership in the second, it described the research itself into leadership in the nursing and midwifery profession in the Pacific. This nursing and midwifery profession in the Pacific. This presentation invites a discussion on ways of conducting presentation invites a discussion on ways of conducting leadership research in a culturally sensitive manner that leadership research in a culturally sensitive manner that emphasises collaboration, relationship building and emphasises collaboration, relationship building and cooperation, local knowledge, mechanism, solutions, and local cooperation, local knowledge, mechanism, solutions, and local research capacities.

Michelle Rumsey has over 25 years of experience directing international health care research, advice and policy, with international health care research, advice and policy, with health professional expertise in regulation and governance, health professional expertise in regulation and governance, human resources for health, capacity development, human resources for health, capacity development, stakeholder and network coordination globally and regional.stakeholder and network coordination globally and regional. Michele has particular expertise in directing and providingMichele has particular expertise in directing and providing research and consulting services in the above areas, as well asresearch and consulting services in the above areas, as well as designing capacity development activities targeting health designing capacity development activities targeting health system strengthening through leadership, curriculum and system strengthening through leadership, curriculum and faculty development. Michele has been in nursing for over 40 faculty development. Michele has been in nursing for over 40years and was recently awarded Order of Australia (AM) in years and was recently awarded Order of Australia (AM) in Queens Birthday 2022 honors list for significant service to Queens Birthday 2022 honors list for significant service to nursing and health care policy.